Childrens Church Ideas

Start a Club
If you decide to start a club, you will want to have a specific focus for it. Young people may be interested in forming a choir to add a new element to church services, weddings, and other celebrations observed in church.

A drama club is another option that you may want to consider. The material you decide to work on with the children can be based on religious stories or new works with an appropriate theme. If starting a drama club is your goal, do make sure that you take the age and abilities of the young thespians into account . Give all participants the chance to contribute to the undertaking in some way, since not everyone will be performing in every production.

•Have the children test their knowledge of the Bible by setting up a game of “Jeopardy” with questions designed to go over a recent lesson. Divide the children into two teams, and give each team a sealed container with marbles or nails in it so that it makes a specific sound when shaken. Set up a board with answers in different categories and assign points to each one. The team members can shake their container to indicate they want to answer the question. Keep track of points given when the correct answer is provided, and subtract points for an incorrect one

Send out Invation flyers to local homes, signed by the Youth


Game wed a month, get all kids classes together to play bible games such as jepordy, who am I , bible charcter dress up, ect.

Bible skits, get all youth classes to do skits and record them.

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