About the Author

I am the Preschool Kids Director at our Church, where I teach 3 to 5 year olds. This has been a bit of a challenge-learning to keep their attention and striving to make sure that they leave each Sunday morning with more knowledge of the Bible than they had when they arrived. We want the children to have fun, worship God, and learn the Bible.

But, these kids usually cannot read yet!! This is where the challenge begins. Everything has to be done through visuals and Stories. What I (and a great bunch of other teachers) have come up with has worked really great so far. We tells the bible story in its simplest form to begin with, then as they are doing a craft for the story, we discuss it in more detail. Each child gets to tell the story in their own words and/or act it out. We do use some other rescource sites but for the most part, I just write my own lesson and craft.

I will be posting some of the tools that we use in our class.

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